Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ok I am going to join my Friend Lee over at Quit your day job, in his fight to help save the environment. He makes a good suggestion, not to use Plastic bags. You know the ones I am talking about! The ones that the bagger loads up with your grocery's and the bag breaks carrying them into your house leaving you with can food all over your sidewalk or lawn, or even a big loaf of squashed bread.

So here is your challenge:
  • work at using less plastic grocery store bags
  • Just carry a reusable bag to the store with you
  • Get your friends in on the game
  • Offer them a challenge to get them interested in the cause.
Just for your information (and remember this is 10 years old so it is probably much higher numbers by today's standards)

  • Reusing a bag meant for just one use has a big impact. A sturdy, reusable bag needs only be used 11 times to have a lower environmental impact than using 11 disposable plastic bags.
  • In New York City alone, one less grocery bag per person per year would reduce waste by 5 million lbs. and save $250,000 in disposal costs.
  • Plastic bags carry 80% of the nation's groceries, up from 5% in 1982.
  • When 1 ton of paper bags is reused or recycled, 3 cubic meters of landfill space is saved and 13 - 17 trees are spared! In 1997, 955,000 tons of paper bags were used in the United States.
  • When 1 ton of plastic bags is reused or recycled, the energy equivalent of 11 barrels of oil are saved.
Check out Lee's Blog

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