Friday, March 21, 2008

Should Dark Alex make a psp 3.93 custom firmware?

I know this is an upgrade many custom PSP owners are waiting for, but do you need it? I myself am not real excited for a 3.93 m33 version. I will probably skip this upgrade, and wait for a more significant update with some use full features. Like my previous post I don't really use the PSP radio, and well I sure as the hell don't want the security update.

Personally I am still pissed that they left us fatty owners out of the mix on the Skype deal but I guess I have complained enough about that. I am in the market though for another GPS unit for the PSP I had one a while back and really did not use it all that much, but I have decided to get another.

Well enough of my ramblings for today. I will be posting on a more regular basis so besure to subscribe or check back often.


1 comment:

colemate said...

yes u should i need it please