Saturday, August 04, 2007

Undercover NBC reporter at DefCon 15

This has to be one of the funniest stories I have seen in a while. We all know about NBC and their famed show To catch a predator. Well apparently they were trying to play catch the hacker. Apparently Michelle Madigan a journalist for NBC wast discovered at this years DefCon with a hidden pin hole camera and no press credential's. This is just stipulation but it appears that NBC may have been working a story about hiring hackers. Now all in the know are aware that the press is allowed at DefCon but they must register for press credential's. Also no camera's are allowed to just randomly video tape the conference or any of the conference goers with out the individuals permission.

So during the opening session the presenters did what they have the right to do. They said there was a new game this year at DefCon, it is called Spot The Undercover Reporter. He gave 2 options, one is to let here interview a 13 year old kid about hacking his PSP, or Escort her off the property. He pointed her out and they proceeded to escort her off the property. She was followed to her vehicle by a few individuals with camera's. It was a peaceful escort other than a few people asking if she had any comment's, yea she kept her mouth shut. It also appears that both Michelle Madigans Myspace, and Facebook profiles have been removed.

Let this be a warning to future undercover reporters at conventions like this or anywhere. You do not have the moral right to video tape anyone that does not know they are being video taped. With the sole intent of dragging them through the dirt.

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